Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hot chick of the day!

This chick is from Taiwan, she is a betel nut girl. If you ever drive around Taiwan you will sometimes notice little glass rooms on the side of the road with a girl inside. These are places where you can stop to buy cigarettes and betel nuts. If you've never heard of them before, it's a type of seed you stick in your mouth and chew. It gives you a kind of rush and makes your throat go all numb. Now you know about betel nut girls.


  1. Makes your throat go numb? That sounds like it wouldn't be enjoyable. But I've never tried betel nuts, so I wouldn't know

  2. you always post asians, whats up with that? rat face fetish?

  3. .. don't those tribal people eat betel nuts too?

  4. sweet girl man supp
